Health and acceptance are my passions. I believe we all deserve to live with that in our own sacred way. Sometimes we forget how to get to health or acceptance, with yoga therapy or, classes, we can co-create your personal journey.
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
‘May all beings be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and freedom for all.’
Who May Benefit From Yoga Therapy
Neurodivergent Clients
Whether you’re diagnosed with any neurodivergent (ND) specialty or suspect you are, I teach and work with clients in a way that incorporates tapping into and building bodily awareness and sensations (somatics), techniques that help regulate the nervous system, building trust within, learning how to manage sensory overload, and strengthening communication. As a member of the ND community, I’ve been building tools for my own self-regulation and acceptance without knowing it for years with my personal yoga practice. I’m excited to have the chance to share these tools with others and create a better understanding of what neuro-affirmation looks and feels like, and how ND is full of superpowers.
50+ Population
Our advancing medical science has given us the ability to live longer lives, but our lifestyle may compromise the WAY we feel in our body. If you are interested in living with the greatest of ease and the best quality of life, I can help you with your intentions. I’ve spent years teaching to hundreds of people in the 50+ age range, and completed several senior population trainings that encompass water aerobics, yoga, and SilverSneakers.
Underserved Populations
I am very passionate about serving one of the most underserved folx in our world- the LGBTQ+ community, particularly youth and POC. Teenage and young adulthood is tough enough, throw in discrimination, isolation, lack of appropriate healthcare practitioners, and mental health anguish to an already difficult time in life, acceptance and compassion should be the norm. When you’re growing into your body and discovering more of who you are, yoga therapy can help you make friends with yourself and be proud of living your authenticity.
COVID-19 Patients & Long-COVID
There’s no arguing that this virus has changed so much of our world, both on a grand scale and on the individual level. There are the physical aspects of the virus to tend to but also the mental stress of worry and fear. Yoga therapy addresses all the layers of who we are and offers an incredible set of tools to have in your coping toolbox. From breathing practices that strengthen the lungs, to fluid movement that keeps the fascia hydrated and supple, and practices to calm anxiety, I feel confident in the science that shows we can survive this challenging time we’re in. I have been engaged in ongoing trainings pertaining specifically to ‘Long-haulers COVID and Yoga Therapy’ to stay up to date on the best practices I can share.
Pre/post-surgery & Rehab
If your medical provider says it’s time for surgery or the rehabilitation process, or you have recently completed that, yoga therapy may be able to set you up for a more successful outcome with less time in recovery and less pain meds. The layers of yoga help address the whole person receiving that medical care; from mentally walking through what the day of surgery may look like, to recovery when you’re released to go home, and PT, I can help you safely move into any procedure you may have. I work as a team member for your care just as your medical care team does, I can also communicate with them if that is your wish. Yoga therapy can be a powerful complimentary to the medical care you receive.
Trauma- PTSD & TBI
Working with people who have survived trauma of any kind has been a very important foundation in my teachings. As a survivor of complex trauma, I know how it feels to be in the mindset of hopelessness, to live with fatigue, mental fog, and uncertainty. I have had incredible strides in my own healing, and I thoroughly enjoy sharing those techniques with others. Decades of research has proven the restoring power of yoga and yoga therapy; you can experience that with my guidance as well.
What people are saying…
“I discovered Jennifer Rodrigues in 2019 in a group restorative yoga class. Jennifer immediately had the whole class hooked on yoga with her relaxed intuitive teaching style combined with her deep curiosity and wisdom about the connections of mind, body and breathing. During COVID I switched to 1:1 virtual sessions with Jennifer. Her lessons were a godsend: she provided me with physical and mental exercises and suggested nutritional and lifestyle resources. She tailored these tools to my needs – I have scoliosis and for decades had sought relief from back and neck pain. Thanks to Jennifer, I now have an effective toolkit that I can access at any time. Jennifer’s yoga classes have transformed the quality of my life.” –ML in Kansas City, MO
“I started doing virtual yoga therapy sessions with Jennifer about 6 months ago. I’ve had a back injury that has consistently caused my discomfort since 2017, and I had accepted that back pain was just a part of my life. Jen quickly found gentle yet effective ways of alleviating my pain, and even strengthening that area. In addition to addressing my chronic pain, we worked a on lifestyle hacks for living more mindfully, reducing stress, and managing anxiety. I would give my sessions a 10/10, and I am so glad I dedicated the time to working with Jen!” –EOD in Decatur, GA
“Jennifer helped me so much right before I had hip replacement surgery. She taught me leg strengthening exercises to use before surgery and after surgery. I absolutely believe these exercises helped me sail through the surgery and through rehab. I’ve had hip replacement before and recovery was a Nightmare! This time was a breeze. She also taught me relaxation and breathing techniques to keep me centered and calm which I am still using! She focuses on the individual and customizes all therapy according to their needs. She is amazing! I highly recommended her.” -CD in Bonaire, GA
“I was so blessed to meet Jennifer at the YMCA! She is very talented to say the least. The best thing about her service is she leads with her spirit. All of her lessons stay with you for life. If you have the chance to experience her yoga therapy, it is life changing. Namaste!” -KB in Kansas City, MO

Disclaimer: Jennifer Rodrigues does not diagnose or treat any illness, disease, or any other physical or mental disorder. The information provided on this site does not and should not be used as a replacement for professional medical advice given by doctors and health care professionals in your state. Jennifer Rodrigues is not dispensing advice, diagnoses, or prescriptions, either directly or indirectly. The information provided is for educational purposes only and to give general information about various options for wellness. Clients are directed to follow the directives of their licensed health care provider before, during, and after embarking on programs. Jennifer Rodrigues makes no warranties with respect to the information provided through this site. Testimonials do not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction.
If you are struggling with something that hasn’t been clearly identified in the specialties, know that they are not exhaustive. These are some of the most common issues that arise. There are additional conditions that Jennifer Rodrigues is trained to treat. Additionally, if you find that you are self-diagnosing as you read about mental health conditions as you browse online resources, please take a step back and know that since all humans have mental health, we can find pieces of ourselves in any description of a condition or diagnosis and that is natural. One of the most important aspects of successful mental health treatment is the therapeutic relationship between client and practitioner.